Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Architectural Drawing

An architectural drawing or architect's drawing is a technical drawing of a building (or building project) that falls within the definition of architecture. Architectural drawings are used by architects and others for a number of purposes: to develop...
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Minggu, 24 April 2011

The types of capacitors

The types of capacitorsMultilayer Ceramic CapacitorRaw material for the capacitor is equal to the type of ceramic capacitors, there is difference in the number of layers that make up the dielectric. In this type of dielectric is prepared with many layers...
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Some of the many electronic components that have been created by the existence of more advanced technologyElectronic components are usually a means of supporting objects that become part of an electronic circuit that can work according to their utility....


LOGIC GATE- An expression is true if it fits with reality and is false if it does not fit. Bi-state logic assumes that every expression is true or false.- Boolean function expressed by AND, OR, NOT easily implemented with digital logic gates.An expression...

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

The CW transmitter

The CW transmitter transmits continuous wave modulation with Morse code. With ‘config’ button you can configure transmission speed & frequency. With ‘load’ you can load a transmitted text from a file. Please note, that the CW transmitter automatically...
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modulation should be aimed in voice transmission

modulation should be aimed in voice transmissionThe power of a modulated wave is found from the formula:Pmod=(1+m2/2) x PcarrWhere Pmod=Power of the modulated wave,M=degree of modulation,Pcarr=power in the carrier frequency.The power in an amplitude...
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Sabtu, 09 April 2011

cope with CRT monitor

When I read his article was quite interesting especially the discussion of the Reparation of the monitor, please be aware that tips given here also applies to television, step by step it was exactly the same. Therefore I will review the article here...
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Identifying Code Tube TV

knowing that the CRT tube is the most expensive component of a television. In this post I will share how to read something about code CRT tube. All picture tubes, whether monochrome or color type can be identified with a specific code consisting of numbers...
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Minggu, 03 April 2011

How transistors work

Transistors are semiconductor devices used as an amplifier, a circuit breaker andjunction (switching), voltage stabilization, signal modulation, or as other functions.Such transistors can function electric valves, where according to input current (BJT)...
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The transformer consists of three main components

The transformer is a tool used to raise or lower the voltage alternating(AC). The transformer consists of three main components namely: the first coil (primary) whichact as an input, the second coil (secondary), which acts as the output, and an iron...
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Form and Type Capacitor

Capacitor which in the electronic circuit is denoted by the letter "C" is a tool that can save energy / electric charge in the electric field, by collecting an internal imbalance of electric charge. Capacitors discovered by Michael Faraday (1791-1867)....
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