- An expression is true if it fits with reality and is false if it does not fit. Bi-state logic assumes that every expression is true or false.
- Boolean function expressed by AND, OR, NOT easily implemented with digital logic gates.
An expression is true if it fits with reality and is false if it does not fit. Bi-state logic assumes that every expression is true or false.
- Each variable in the boolean algebra has one of two values: true or false. à the boolean algebra is the algebra of dual-status or binary.
- Boolean function expressed by AND, OR, NOT easily implemented with digital logic gates.
1. Ease of formation of the gate with a physical component.
2. Economic consideration is the fabrication of a physical component.
3. Possible expansion of the gate with more than two input.
4. Basic properties of binary operators such as comutatif and associative.
5. Gate the ability to implement Boolean functions or conjunction with other gates gate.
1. AND gate
AND gate has two or more input signals.

1.a.Gerbang AND bubbly
- Figure (a) shows the AND gate with input inversi, image (b) AND gate bubbly; bubble as our memories will occur on the face inversion AND operation.

- OR gate has two or more input signals.

- The series of (a) have been used by people at large, so the logic symbol stands for the image (b), image (b) as a bubbly OR gate.

3. Inverter
- Inverter is a gate with only one input, the output always has the opposite of the status of the input status.

- In addition to basic gates AND, OR and NOT, there is still another instance of logic gates, namely NAND, NOR, XOR (Exclussive OR) and XNOR who was sent down from the three basic gates.

- In addition, by using De Morgan's law, we can create an equivalent logic gates with NOR and NAND gate above
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