Capacitors are electronic components capable of storing electrical voltage and current for a while. As well as resistors, capacitors including one that a lot of passive components used in making a circuit.
In the field of electronics, the capacitor component is also called the condenser. The capacitor itself comes from the word capasitance (capacity), which means it is to keep the electric current (in terms of electronic-called electric charge.) So Capacitors are electronic components that can be filled with electric charge is then stored for a while, then emptied through a system or connected to earth.
As well as resistors, capacitors have unit value, expressed in farads (F). Farad name is given as a tribute to its creator named Michael Faraday. The unit farad is a unit of very large and rarely used in the experiment, the farad unit is usually used as a fraction
1 farad (F) = 1 million UF (micro farad)
1 micro-farad (UF) = 1000 nF (nano-farad)
1 nano-farad (nF) = 1000 pF (pico farad)
Electrolytic capacitors are generally made with a large capacity and has high reliability and durability in use. Capacitors of this type widely used in power supply circuit (power supply). The main characteristic is the capacitor has a polarity difference in the two legs of the positive pole (+) and negative pole (-), so that the assembly should also be considered because if one puts his feet upside down from a positive to negative or vice versa, the capacitor will be damaged and even could explode. To distinguish the polarity of his feet there is usually dotted lines or stripes on the body of the capacitor, it is certain that the foot that is under the strip that has a negative polarity (-). The value of capacitance is typically written with numbers on the transistor body.
Capacitors Polar or electrolyte capacitor has a polarity on both legs of positive polarity (+) and negative polarity (-). The capacitor is included in the group of capacitors that have a fixed capacity value and has a large capacity value. In electrolytic capacitors electronic circuit is symbolized as the following figure.
For the C1 is a symbol of European style (Europe style) and C2 is a symbol of American style (American Style). For the provision of capacity value, the electrolytic capacitors are written directly complete with units and a maximum voltage, as well as its polarity symbol.
Caution: explosion may occur if the installation of its reverse polarity or voltage provided on this capacitor exceeds its maximum voltage.
Feet that have a negative polarity adjacent to mark vertical lines on the capacitor body, or legs that positive polarity has a size that is longer than the foot of the negative polarity. As shown in the image above.
As for the types of material for electrolytic capacitors are made from aluminum and tantalum. Electrolytic capacitors of this aluminum material in its development just called electrolytic capacitors or Elco.
Electrode of the capacitor is made of aluminum which uses a thin membrane oxidation. The main characteristics of the Electrolytic Capacitor is the difference in polarity in both legs. From these characteristics we must be - the heart of the installation in the series, do not be reversed. When the polarity reversed then it will be damaged even "EXPLOSION". Usually this type of capacitor used in power supply circuit, low pass filters, circuit timer. These capacitors can not be used in high frequency circuit. Usually working voltage of the capacitor is calculated by multiplying the power supply voltage by 2. For example, the capacitor will be provided with power supply voltage of 5 Volt, meaning that the selected capacitor must have a minimum working voltage 2 x 5 = 10 Volt.
It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such information with us
Nice Post...But i want to know how Capacitor workflow and Manufacturing if u guys know articles please suggest me.....