ATM (Automatic teller machine or automated teller machine, in Indonesia also sometimes stands for automatic teller machines) is an electronic tool that allows bank customers to take the money and checking their savings accounts without the need to be served by a "teller" man. Many ATMs also allow storage of cash or checks, transfer money or even buy stamps.
In everyday life we are already familiar with the name of the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), either through hearing or sight. For people who live in urban and rural areas are already familiar with ATM vocabulary. With rapid technological developments currently any transaction can be done through ATMs, ranging from cash withdrawal, transfer, handling the books, bill payments, cash deposits or even printed books can be done at the ATM.
An ATM card as the media need an intermediary between man and machine. On a card has a line called Magnetic Chip. Magnetic Chip has the function as a sensor detecting the identity of the owner. Magnetic Chip is very sensitive to various circumstances, for example when rubbed by a Magnetic Chip Magnetic Chip object then it has lost its function. Because if there is friction on the Magnetic Chip ATM machines can not detect the ATM card owned by a customer. Something like that is a weakness of the transaction through the ATM. This happens because of negligence of the customer so that the card in this case is damaged. How to renew it? Customers can directly consult with the concerned bank. The weakness of the engine itself is usually derived from its network. If there is damage to his ATM machine is usually the operator of the bank concerned will immediately fix it.
In Indonesia, we also know there is the term ATM Bersama, if given the understanding of the ATM Bersama is a merger or cooperation of several banks in terms of customer service using the ATM interface of the media, here from an ATM machine to serve customers to conduct transactions from various banks by using computerized systems and telecommunications. Computerization and telecommunication systems are not only used for the ATM shared but are also used for ATM Mandiri. As has been learned Praise be to Allaah technology that support for information systems leads to the timeliness needed a system that mutually support each other.
On the technology Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) using computerized systems and telecommunications that meet the standards of a component information input system. An input device must have a way of working, on the ATM itself has work orders from customers to the bank operator. Transmitter in the ATM transmitter located in the bank using a system using a system Telecommunications Telecommunications. Relationship occurs between the ATM with the bank using Telecommunications system.
Know more ATMs in, what the heck component is in the ATM so as to serve various kinds of transactions, it could be for those of you who still lay in the ATM may be that there are people who sit down if there is a calculated money grab first after it removed then given evidence of withdrawal. Actually ATM component that consists of ATM box, the number keys, the screen and camera (optional) is commonly visible from the outside, while inside bsia consists of one unit of computer CPU, key board, modem, city money, small printer and card reader.
ATM Components
Every transaction that happens the information will be received by the computer and then sent to the data center through a telecommunication facility could line telephone, and radio Vsat, ATM can be monitored status of the data center that can be known whether this ATM is dead or his money was gone.
ATM machine consists of 2 parts:
a. Upper (Upper Compartement):
- Monitor
- Customer keypad
- Card reader
- Journal printer
- Receipt Printer
b. Bottom (Lower Compartement):
- Combination lock
- Dispenser module
- Cash cassette
- Reject cassette
USE OF ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)
A. In the World
With the ATM is to make our lives easier, because the current ATM network can already cross-country and even across continents for example, you can withdraw cash transactions in any country if you hold a picture of Master card Cirrus Maestro, you can get cash at ATMs Maestro Cirrus logo is there, as well as your Visa card with a picture of Visa Electron, you can take the money in the existing ATM Visa Electron logo. ATM usage in developed countries has been very good so that the average per day can reach 500 - 1000 transaction per day.
B. In Indonesia
Although ATM has been very popular in Indonesia, almost everyone is familiar with and hear the words of the ATM but the extent of its use is still not optimal for the size of a large bank with an extensive network such as the BCA, the financial transactions of about 800 thousand transactions per day, from about 2500 ATMs so average transaction at the ATM is only about 320 transactions per day, this amount is actually not optimal when compared with investment costs incurred. For the average usage per day ATMs throughout Indonesia for all banks is still less than 300 transactions per day.
ATM is a data terminal device that has two input and four output devices. Just as a data terminal, ATM must have a connection, connect, and communicate through a host processor (central processing). Central process that is accompanied by an Internet service provider (ISP) that serves as a gateway route to get to control every aspect of ATM network and make the kinds of functions for the ATM card holders (people who want money.)
In general, the central processes that support can be via Leased-line or line of contract (lease) or dial-up machine (telephone). Leased-line machines connect directly to the central process through the four-wire (four-wire), point-to-point, dedicated telephone line (telephone line option). Dial-up ATMs connect to a central process through a normal telephone line using a modem and connection toll free number, or through Internet service providers who use local access numbers. Leased-line ATMs recommended for use in a solid location for thru-put capability job market is relatively heavy, and dial-up ATMs recommended for use in stores or locations that are not crowded where the use of just taking money. The cost required for a dial-up ATM machine is less than half leased-line ATM machines. Operating cost dial-up ATM machine is also only a fraction of the cost of operating leased-line ATM machines.
The central processing may be owned by a bank or financial institution, or may also owned by internet service providers who stands alone. If you owned a bank, usually only support a bank ATM machine itself, where only a single process that is available to owners of shops or business premises.
Financial Transactions
At the time the card holder wants to do an ATM transaction, the person must provide the information needed by the detector card and keypad are available. ATM machines will forward this information to the central process, through data communications channels that have been appointed to conduct the transaction request to the bank in accordance with a user card. If the cardholder wants cash withdrawal, the center of the process will charge transfer (electronic funds transfer) to replace the central bank service fee from the customer-owned bank. At the time the cost has been transmitted to the central bank, then the processor will send the code approval (approval code) to the ATM as the machine authorization to issue cash. Then the processor will send data of financial transactions to the cardholder's home bank ATM users, usually the next business day. In this case, the Bank is home to replace the entire cost of the ATM machine.
Independent ATM can access a variety of banks, also supports the placement of the number of ATMs that a lot with various brands of commerce (Merchant). So, when you do a cash transaction, money is flowing electronically from your account to your service provider and trademarks are used.
Magnetic strip is a short form of plastic which is coated with a magnetic system and is usually attached to credit cards or other valuable cards. On the magnetic strip is usually written cardholder personal data, which contains the account number, personal as well as its access code. And this paper was written in the form of certain codes, and can only be read by a computer equipped with special machinery for magnetic strip cards.
Money machine that is used to read cards with magnetic-strip plastic is then known as ATM (Automated Teller Machine). To use it, the user must insert the card into a machine owned by a special or an ATM machine and enter the code number, and the amount of money that will be taken. No password is then sent through the telephone network central kekomputer. Computers will see, whether concerned with money deposits or not.
If you have, then this signal is sent again to-ATM and to then, ATM will disburse a sum of money in accordance with the needs required. In addition, users can also see information on its balance of savings, current account or deposit it. The transfer of the books will automatically be done by computer. In an ATM (Automated Teller Machine) also contained a satellite that will transmit information in computer center.
ATM system consists of:
1. Workstations that can be accessed with a special card or collectively, the ATM machine
2. Remote computers that store and update customer records and authorize and execute transactions
3. Telecommunication relationship between the ATM machine with a remote computer.
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