Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

modulation radio receiver

Judging from the type of modulation radio receiver that is divided into two kinds of AM radio when the modulation amplitude modulation is used which has the nature of the modulated signal amplitude varies with variation in the signal amplitude information. The second type of radio receiver is an FM radio if the modulation frequency modulation is used, the frequency of the modulated signal varies with the signal amplitude variations information. Radio frequency carrier amplitude modulation (AM) in the range of 535 to 1605 kHz. Carrier frequency of 540 kHz to 1600 characterized by intervals of 10 kHz. FM radio has a band of 88 to 108 MHz between television channels 6 and 7 VHF. FM stations are marked with a flashlight at 200 kHz frequency separation starts at 88.1 MHz for a maximum of 100 stations. FM station has a maximum deviation of 75 kHz from 25 kHz frequency flashlights upper and lower "guide lines" to minimize interaction with the frequency band setting. Understanding information is transmitted from the AM radio station AM radio, electrically sound image (taken from a microphone or any other program sources) are used to modulate the amplitude of a carrier wave is then transmitted from the transmitting antenna radio station. This contrasts with the FM radio signal which is used for the modulation of the carrier frequency. The spectrum of frequencies between 535 kHz and 1605 kHz and the carrier wave are separated by 10 kHz. Radio receiver can tune to receive one of a number of radio carrier frequency in the reception area. This makes it practical to move the signal from the carrier frequency of the radio medium in the process now where the heterodyne. Hetero-dyne receiver, most electronically maintain Mene-middle frequency setting that's just a fraction of As with receiver circuit must be set when the station changed. Heterodyne Heterodyne Principle Radio is broadcast signal transfer method from a local carrier at intermediate frequencies specified in the receiver so that the receiver does not have many set back when the channel changed. Interference of two waves will produce a frequency kites and this technique provides the radio settings to force a particular radio frequency generating kites called intermediate frequency or IF abbreviated. Elektromanetik carrier wave that carries the signal with the help of amplitude modulation or frequency modulation of the carrier signal can move in different frequency by a process called heterodyning. The move was met with mixed carrier modulated with a different frequency of a sine wave. This process produces kites frequency equal to the difference between frequencies. Mixing the beats coming from the carrier frequency and the local oscillator produces intermediate frequency (IF), the amount fixed. Most radio receivers can be constructed to use the radio signal that much. Local oscillator frequency is set to produce the same beats with fixed frequency IF. By heterodyning system with just one radio receiver, can be set for reception of local radio stations anywhere, but if it does not use heterodyning would require a radio receiver for each transmitter station. Radio Signal Radio communication is generally in the form of transmission of AM or FM radio. Single broadcast signal, thus a monophonic audio signal, can be done with direct amplitude modulation or frequency modulation. Provides a more complex transmission lines that emerge from the sum and difference frequencies resulting superposition of multiple carrier wave signal. For example in stereo FM transmission, the number of left and right channels (L + R) is used for frequency modulation of the carrier and separate sub-carrier at 38 kHz is also superimposed on the carrier. Sub-carrier is modulated with the difference signal (LR) so ditransimisikan signal into separate left and right to produce stereo at diplayback. In television transmission, the three signals must be sent to the carrier, namely audio, image intensity and chrominance images. This process uses two sub-carriers. Other transmissions such as satellite TV and telephone transmission distance using a lot of sub-carriers to transmit multiple signals simultaneously. AM radio uses electricity picture of a sound source with an amplitude modulated carrier wave. At the end of the receiver in the detection process this image released back of the carrier and tuned back into sound by loudspeakers.

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