The simplest semiconductor components, it consists of two (2) the cathode and anode electrodes.
End of the body diode is usually given a marked, a bracelet or a point, which indicates the location of the cathode.
Diodes can only DC current flowing in the direction of course, in the reverse direction DC current will not flow. If the silicon diode is energized AC currents of electricity, then that flow only in one direction only so that the flow of DC current output diode.
When given the potential positive anode and negative cathode, said diode is forward biased and when given the contrary, is said to be reverse biased diode. On the forward bias, the difference between the cathode and the anode voltage is called threshold voltage or knee voltage. Large voltage depends on the type of diode, can be 0.2V, 0.6V and so on.
When the diodes are reverse biased (which vary depending on supply voltage voltagenya) reverse voltage is called voltage. This reverse voltage must not exceed a certain price, this price is called the breakdown voltage, eg 50V sebasar 1N4001 diode type.
Eg type germanium diodes type 1N4148 or 1N60 when given forward bias can forward radio frequency vibrations, and when a forward bias is removed, will block the radio frequency vibrations. The existence of these properties, diode types are used for switches.
Zener diode is a diode which has the property that rollovers are very stable voltage, this voltage is called the zener voltage. Above the zener voltage, this diode will deliver electricity in two directions. This diode is used as a voltage stabilizer or voltage regulator. These diodes form a diode as usual, the difference can be seen only from the type that is written on bodynya and zener voltage seen at vademicum.
In the market there are different types of resistors, can be classified into two kinds of fixed resistors is the resistor value detainees remains and anyone can diaturatur by hand, there is also a change in the value of prisoners is set automatically by light or by temperature.
Resistor color code is usually written in roundabout budaran shaped bracelet or can be color. The units used are OHM (Ω). Unless the amount of resistance, a resistor is characterized by tolerance, also written in the form of bands of color after the sign of resistance.
The next parameter is the magnitude of the resistor the maximum power allowed to pass through. Regarding the maximum power is not supplied by the manufacturer's mark but only seen from demensinya only. Resistors there who have the ability 1 / 8 Watt, 1 / 4 Watt, 1 / 2 Watt, 1 Watt, 2 Watt, 5 Watt, and so on.
The color code for tolerance is is as follows:
1 percent = Chocolate
2 percent = Red
5 percent = Gold
10 percent = Silver
Material for wire-wound resistors may be used or can be prisoners with carbon. With the coil wire resistance, then, unless the resistance, inductance will also give you a little. At this time the use of carbon resistors are not widely available in the market.
Variable Resistor (VR)
Resistor value of this type can be set by hand, if arrangements can be made at any time by the operator (there is a key regulator) is called a potentiometer and an arrangement made with a screwdriver called a trimmer potentiometer (trimpot). Prisoners in the potentiometer can be made from carbon and there are also made from coils of wire called a wirewound potentiometer. For use in high voltage usually preferred wirewound types.
Sensitive Resistor Temperature and Light Sensitive Resistors
Thermistor resistance value depends on the temperature. There are two types of NTC (negative temperature coefficient) and PTC (positive temperature coefficient). NTC little resistance when hot and cold getting bigger. Instead PTC little resistance when cold and expand when hot.
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