SCR stands for Silicon Control Rectifier.
SCR Silicon Control acronym stands for Silicon Control Rectifier.SCR Rectifier.SCR acronym stands for Silicon Control Rectifier.SCR Silicon Control Rectifier.
* As a series of switches (switch control)
* As a series controller (remote control)

The third group is itself SCR, DIAC and TRIAC.
DIAC is one type of diode SCR, but it has two terminals (electrodes) alone, in contrast with the "brother" who has three terminals, TRIAC.

TRIAC has a construction similar to DIAC, TRIAC contained only the control terminal (gate terminal).
As for the other terminal is called a main terminal and main terminal 2 (abbreviated MT1 and MT2).
As with the DIAC, TRIAC can flow through the alternating current, unlike SCR drain only direct current (from anode to cathode terminal terminal).
TRIAC symbol in the scheme of electronics, has three legs, two of which MT1 terminal (T1) and MT2 (T2) and the other terminal Gate (G)
The triac is equivalent to two parallel connected SCR.
This means that the switch TRIAC can be both directly.
TRIAC classified according to the ability of contacting. TRIAC does not have a very high power capability for this type of SCR.
There are two types of TRIAC, Low-Current and Medium-Current.
Low-Current TRIAC may contact up to a strong current of 1 ampere and has a maximum voltage of up to several hundred volts.
Medium-Current TRIAC can be contacted through strong currents have a maximum of 40 amperes and voltages up to 1,000 volts.
TRIAC has a construction similar to DIAC, TRIAC contained only the control terminal (gate terminal).
As for the other terminal is called a main terminal and main terminal 2 (abbreviated MT1 and MT2).
As with the DIAC, TRIAC can flow through the alternating current, unlike SCR drain only direct current (from anode to cathode terminal terminal).

The triac is equivalent to two parallel connected SCR.
This means that the switch TRIAC can be both directly.
TRIAC classified according to the ability of contacting. TRIAC does not have a very high power capability for this type of SCR.
There are two types of TRIAC, Low-Current and Medium-Current.
Low-Current TRIAC may contact up to a strong current of 1 ampere and has a maximum voltage of up to several hundred volts.
Medium-Current TRIAC can be contacted through strong currents have a maximum of 40 amperes and voltages up to 1,000 volts.
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