Selasa, 20 September 2011

Dual section air variable capacitor

Dual section air variable capacitorwas invented to provide tracking between two related LC-tuned circuits, as in a radio receiver. Such capacitors are basically two (in the case of Fig. 5) or more variable capacitors mechanically ganged on the same rotor...
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Transmitting air variable capacitor

Transmitting air variable capacitorDifferential variable capacitors also have two independent stators, but unlike in the butterfly capacitor where capacities on both sides increase equally as the rotor is turned, in a differential variable capacitor...
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phase locked loop (PLL)

"Digital phase-locked loop block diagram"A phase detector compares two input signals and produces an error signal which is proportional to their phase difference. The error signal is then low-pass filtered and used to drive a VCO which creates an output...
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AC contactor

LC1-D series AC contactor (simplified as contactor in the following)is suitable for using in the circuits up to the rated voltage 660V AC 50Hz or 60Hz, rated current 95A, for making and breaking and frequent starting, controlling the AC motor. Combined...
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supercapacitor has a limited range of applications, advances in design might eventually expand the product’s utility. For example, researchers continue to develop and experiment with newer forms of dielectric materials, such as carbon nanotubes, polypyrrole,...
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practical capacitor

A practical capacitor is not limited to two plates. As shown to the right, it is quite possible to place a number of plates in parallel and then connect alternate plates together. In addition, it is not necessary for the insulating material between plates...
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Minggu, 18 September 2011

Voltage regulator serves

Rectifier circuit is good enough if its voltage ripple is small, but there are stability issues. If the voltage PLN up / down, then the output voltage will also rise / fall. As rectifier circuit above, if the flow the greater the voltage dc discharge...
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semiconductor diode

Physical functionAn LED is a special type of semiconductor diode.Like a normal diode, an LED consists of a chip of semiconducting material is fully charged, or in-bulb, with impurities to create a structure called a pn junction.-Charge carriers - electrons...
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Light emission

Physical functionAn LED is a special type of semiconductor diode.Like a normal diode, an LED consists of a chip of semiconducting material is fully charged, or in-bulb, with impurities to create a structure called a pn junction.-Charge carriers - electrons...
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SCR stands for Silicon Control Rectifier

SCR stands for Silicon Control Rectifier.SCR Silicon Control acronym stands for Silicon Control Rectifier.SCR Rectifier.SCR acronym stands for Silicon Control Rectifier.SCR Silicon Control Rectifier.To SCR:* As a series of switches (switch control)*...
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A Zener diode

A diode is usually regarded as the tool that supply power to one direction, but the Zener diodes are such that current can flow in the opposite direction if the applied voltage overshoot "voltage is broken" (breakdown voltage) or "Zener voltage".Usual...
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Laser diode

Laser diode is a type of laser in which the active medium of a semiconductor pn junction similar to that found on light-emitting diodes.Diode lasers are also sometimes abbreviated as LD or ILD.The new laser diode is found at the end of this century by...
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Photo diode

Photo diode is a type of diode which functions to detect light.In contrast with ordinary diodes, electronic components will transform light into electrical current.Light that can be detected by the photo diode is ranging from infrared light, visible...
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Blue LED

The first blue LEDs that can achieve commercial information using gallium nitride substrates which was invented by Shuji Nakamura in 1993 during a career at Nichia Corporation in Japan.LED was then popular in the late 90's.Blue LED can be combined into...

Jumat, 16 September 2011

signal crossing

compressor to react fast or slowly to an audio signal crossing the Threshold and also how long the compressor keeps working. A loud acoustic guitar being plucked is a good example. With a fast Attack time the musicians playing will be compressed almost...
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Kamis, 15 September 2011

GPS front end RF

Built-in GPS front end RF and base band processing moduleGPS Antenna ProvidedLocal Alphanumeric or Graphics display to display Latitude/Longitude/Altitude and DirectionThe above parameters can be transmitted through a RS232 output portThis RS232 output...
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digital communication

We have in store for our clients a quality range of communication trainers, digital communication trainer and analog comminucation trainer etc that has gained appreciation for easy usage and optimum utility. Our range includes analog communication trainers,...
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EPABX TRAINERWe are amongst the renowned manufacturers and exporters of trainer kits that are available in various models. Our range comprises instrumentation trainers kits, consumer electronic trainers and bio medical trainers. These find application...

Digital Interface

XGGCOMMS Icom Digital InterfaceDescription: This interface offers full CAT control of your Icom Transceiver via your PC's RS-232 port and the Radio's 3.5mm CAT (CI-V) Jack . Additionally, the interface connects your PC sound card line in/out jacks to...
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Modular design and flexibly for CPLDSignal generation unit:Programmable frequency generatorStandard frequency: 1 — 10MHzLogic input switch:8 x 1 logic input original press point with light8 x 2 logic input Dip switch4 impulse press button generator3...