Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Assembly source program is a program written

Assembly source program is a program written by the programmer in the form of a collection of command lines and is usually stored with the extension. ASM. assembly source programs consist of several parts: Label, Mnemonic, Operands, and feedback.

1. Label

useful in giving the name of the destination addresses, because the labeling of a better address is relative. In addition, record labels are also used as a self-program flow. To create a label, there are several requirements that must be met, where this requirement is sometimes also depends on the assembler program is used, namely:

-Must begin with the letter.
-It is not allowed the same label in one assembly program.
-A maximum of 16 characters.
-Not allowed any space character in the label.

2. Mnemonic

Mnemonic or it could be called the operation code is the code that will be done by the assembler program on a microcontroller commands or instructions that are very dependent on the type of microcontroller used. For example, to use MOVX MCS51 family, MOV, ADD and others.

3. Operand

Operand is the complement of the mnemonic, number of operands required by the mnemonic is not always the same, a mnemonic can have three, two, one or no operand at all.


There is absolutely no comment section in a program, but this section is very useful to explain the processes of work or specific notes on the parts of the program. Even programmers often need to recall the way the program plan.

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