Selasa, 28 Juni 2011


Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signaling is used for telephone signaling over the line in the voice-frequency band to the call switching center. The version of DTMF used for telephone tone dialing is known by the trademarked term Touch-Tone, and is...


Oscillators are devices that are used to generate repetitive signals. They produce output signals without an input signal. There are two major types of electronic oscillators: harmonic oscillators and relaxation oscillators. Harmonic oscillators produce...

Data Terminal Equipment

Digital delay generators produce pulses at precise, programmed intervals to trigger devices under test. They are also used for gating, timing, triggering, and syncing. Basic digital delay generators are single-channel devices. More complex products with...
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TLC 555

TLC 555Most modern energy meter have one or more LEDs which blink at a rate directly related to the energy used. The one above has two of them : one pulses at 1000 pulses per active kWh, the other one pulses at 1000 pulses per reactive kWh. I dealed...

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Electrical inductance sensors

Electrical inductance sensors are non-contact devices that measure the inductance of an electrical component or system. They consist of a wire loop or coils and are relatively inexpensive. Inductance, the property of a circuit or circuit element to oppose...
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Electronics is an engineering

Electronics is an engineering discipline that involves the design and analysis of electronic circuits. Originally, this subject was referred to as radio engineering. An electronic circuit is a collection of components through which electrical current...
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Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

multi layer ceramic capacitors (MLCC)

A capacitor is one of three passive devices and its main function is to store electric charge. There are aluminum electrolytic capacitors, tantalum electrolytic capacitors, ceramic capacitors, electrolytic capacitors, and others. Capacitors can be simply...
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Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Attic Breeze fans are made with all metal construction

Attic Breeze offers both the most durable and powerful solar powered ventilation products available. Using only the highest quality parts and materials, Attic Breeze manufactures solar attic fans and solar powered ventilation products that will stand...
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LPC2468 ARM7TDMI-S mode USBLPC (short for Lars Pensjö C) is an object-oriented programming language derived from C and developed originally by Lars Pensjö to facilitate MUD building on LPMuds. Though designed for game development, its flexibility has...

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) is a device designed to protect a circuit's

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) is a device designed to protect a circuit's wiring from the serious damage which would be caused if it has to carry a current which is too high for the diameter of its wires. Such a current could easily heat up the wires...
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Aquatic Energy’s solution is to offer industry-leading

In the past five years, the price of food and fuel have risen to new heights, accompanied by mounting climate and food pressures.Aquatic Energy’s solution is to offer industry-leading, affordable algae biotechnology that can replace fossil fuels, boost...
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condensing steam turbine

With a condensing steam turbine the vacuum to be in the condenser is already established by the turbine design. The cooling water flow is already determined based on the turbine design steam rate and the water supply temperature. When the load on the...
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Selasa, 07 Juni 2011


REINFORCED OP-AMP (LM 741)Op-Amp amplifier would strengthen the reverse voltage at the input and reverse the result of strengthening it, so the output of this circuit will always have an opposite polarity input signals.Strengthening the voltage on this...

Faraday's Law

Faraday's LawThe direction of the electric field at some point can be described graphically using this style. concept lines put forward by Michael Faraday in which reads:A line of force in an electric field is a line style that was described when the...
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The series Downloader / Programmer AT89S51/AT89S52

Atmel is a considerable AT89S51/AT89S52 product in the market for less than 20 thousand dollars. To start learning this type of microcontroller 89S51 we need a programmer and circuit Downloader. Programmer is a hardware device used to enter machine language...
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Assembly source program is a program written

Assembly source program is a program written by the programmer in the form of a collection of command lines and is usually stored with the extension. ASM. assembly source programs consist of several parts: Label, Mnemonic, Operands, and feedback.1. Labeluseful...
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Light Emitting Diode (LED)

Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a diode that can remove light or light if given a voltage. Light Emitting Diode (LED) typically function as indicator lights or signal lights, Light Emitting Diode (LED) is also usually used for decorative lights. Led a...
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Static Electricity Applications

Static Electricity ApplicationsLightning is one example of the release of electrical charge in large enough quantities. This liberation can occur between clouds and the clouds or between cloud and earth. Why on earth? Because the earth is a place that...
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MOSFETPhysical form, such as FET transistors. Its function is to boost or lower the voltage.FET has three legs as well, namely:• GATE (G) is the input legs• DRAIN (D) is the output leg• SOURCE (S) is the source of the footIts function is usually used...